This page contains notes for myself on various topics relevant to my research, as well as the notes that I used to prepare for the Princeton prelim exam. These are primarily for my own self-reference and may or may not be helpful to the reader.
Essentially a highlight reel of Binney & Tremaine Chapter 4
Lagrangians, Hamiltonians, oscillations, central force motion, scattering theory, rigid body motion, and continuous media – my quick summary of Goldstein, plus some prelims prep material.
Maxwell's equations, potentials, energy and momentum in EM fields, multipoles, fields in matter, Laplace's equation, the method of images, capacitance and inductance, and radiation. Cobbled together from Griffiths and Zangwill.
Quantum postulates and principles, pictures, the harmonic oscillator, angular momentum and spin, identical particles, 3D quantum mechanics, approximation methods, scattering, and quantum particles in EM fields. Vaguely following Shankar's text.
Classical thermodynamics, the thermodynamic ensembles, quantum information, classical gases, quantum gases, the Debye model of solids, gases in EM fields, phase transitions, the Ising model, polymers, and Brownian motion.
Prelim-specific advice and some assorted mathematical facts.